Thursday, August 26, 2010

3-way tie for first in Frangue Open

Three players tied for first in the Frangue Open Chess tournament last August 21-22, 2010 at the Alex and Al cafe and Snackhouse, Sibalom, Antique. Von Steven Aquino, Arnel Amar, and John Mark Grasparil scored 5 points in this 6 round event to finish ahead of 26 other players.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Atty. Hector Frangue Open Chess Tournament

In continuing support to the Dep Ed program of integrating chess in elementary and high school, Atty. Hector Legaspi Frangue sponsored the August 2010 Monthly Open Chess tournament on August 21-22, 2010 at Alex and Al cafe and Snackhouse, Sibalom, Antique. This will be played on a 5-round Swiss system, 1 hour play to finish format. Play starts at 9:30 a.m. of August 21.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Belison Open Chess Tournament; Baculna wins top honors

The Belison Chess Federation, in cooperation with newly elected Mayor Darell Dela Flor, holds its first Open Chess Tournament last July 24-25, 2010 at Diok-Diok Recreation Center, Belison Antique. The tournament is sponsored by Kangaroo Internet Cafe, Ronald 'Dodong' Del Rosario, Rosauro Aurelio Jr., John John Protacio, Hon. Simplicio Tagle, Kgwd. Amado Omanio, AUP Builders Limited, Ronald Fernando, and Kgwd. Ruben Balbuena.

14 year old Lou Vincent Baculna rules the event with a perfect score. Tied for second to third places were Von Steven Aquino and Deonato Petinglay. Solo fourth place was young promising Diok-diok Delima. General Eduardo Gonzaga and Engr. Ronald Del Rosario represented Mayor Darell Dele Flor during the awarding. Mr. Voltaire Pagunsan and Nonette Delima were persons very much responsible for the success of the tournament.