Saturday, June 28, 2008

Typhoon Frank postpones Chess Tournament

Last June 21, 2008 was a sad day for the Municipality of Sibalom. Typhoon Frank battered the Island of Panay. Sibalom, for the first time, was flooded all over. The headquarters of the Antique Chess Society was waist-deep with water. Other areas of Sibalom were ten feet under water.

Chess books, chess sets, and other chess materials were soaked with muddy waters. It was the first ever to happen in Sibalom. It was good that it happened during daytime. If it was in the evening or very early morning, it would have been a bigger disaster.

The Tournament scheduled would have to be postponed. The Open Chess Tournament is moved from July 5-6, 2008 to July 12-13,2008. The second quarterly youth tournament is moved to the last weekend of July. Media people have given noticed that they would cover these coming chess tournaments. This would be a big boost to promote chess in the province.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

July Edition Tournament set on July 5-6, 2008

The July Edition of the Monthly Open Chess Tournament is set on July 5-6, 2008. This tournament is open to all interested. Register at the headquarters of the Antique Chess Society at Alex and Al Cafe and Snackhouse at 4- S. A. Lotilla St., Sibalom, Antique.

The Antique Chess Society holds monthly chess tournament with the purpose of getting its members to continuously hone their chess play. Now, most chess players in Antique continuously practice and study chess.

Quarterlly Youth Tournament set on June 28-29, 2008

The 2nd Quarterly Youth Tournament is set on June 28-29, 2008. This Chess Tournament is open to all chess players 18-years old and below. The tournament will be held at Alex and Al Cafe and Snackhouse and will start at 9:00 a.m.. Those interested, please register with the Antique Chess Society at Alex and Al Cafe and Snackhouse.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Descalzo wins June 2008 Chess Tournament

Experienced chess player Miguel Descalzo won the June 2008 Edition of the monthly chess tournament held last June 7-8, 2008 at the Alex and Al Cafe and Snackhouse. Descalzo won over 15 other players with a score of 4.5 points out of a possible 5.

Nelson Trayfalgar Jr., Edwin Leabriz, and Alvin Dalumpines came in tied for 2nd to 4th places with 3.5 points.

13 Year old Lou Vincent Baculna pulled out another surprise in the tournament by finishing solo 5th place with 3 points. Baculna, who celebrated his 13th birthday last month, defeated Apolonio Fadrigo in the last round to finish ahead of most of his older and experienced co-players.

The July 2008 Edition Chess Tournament is scheduled on July 5-6, 2008.

Monday, June 2, 2008

June tournament reset on June 7-8, 2008

The June edition of the monthly chess tournament will be on June 7-8, 2008 instead of June 10 to 11. With the opening of classes, more chess players are expected to participate.